Things Happy People Do (Differently)

1. LOVE vs. FEAR Those who are really happy, FEAR less and LOVE a lot more. They see each moment, each challenge, each person as an opportunity to discover more about themselves and the world around them. 2. ACCEPTANCE vs. RESISTANCE Happy people understand that you can’t really change a situation by resisting it, but you can definitely change […]
Positive Living: Life Habits Guide

Positive Living: Life Habits Guide Developing Effective Life Habits Be pro-active in dealing with challenges in life Always begin with the end in mind Prioritize: putting first things first Think win-win: have an abundance mentality Seek first to understand, then to be understood Sharpening the saw for self-renewal Engage in continuous learning Synergize with others; […]
Holistic Self-Care for Happiness & Wellbeing

To achieve lasting happiness and optimal wellbeing toward personal self-transformation, one needs to take time on a regular basis (preferably daily) to engage in the renewal of all aspects of our nature – physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual. It means taking care of ourselves, holistically, exercising all dimensions of our wellbeing, regularly and consistently in a wise and balanced […]
Self Care – What Does It Really Mean?

Often, when people are coping with difficult times, they are told by friends, family, and medical providers to “take care of yourself.” We all know that good self-care, particularly during crisis, is an important value. But I’m often told by my clients that they don’t know what that means. Should they be taking more bubble […]
How to Unlearn Self-Stigma

The journey of recovery is tough for those dealing with mental health issues. It is made even harder by social stigma brought about by uninformed people who label a person’s symptoms as “strange”, “scary”, or as “acting out”. “There was nothing more depressing than being told that all the teachers were waiting for me to […]
Foods to Boost Your Mood

Do you know that what you eat can affect your mood? You may think that digging into a tub of ice cream when you feel upset will help you feel better, a diet of sugary and processed foods is bad for your health and well-being. In fact, people who eat a lot of junk food […]
You Can Heal Your Life with Louise Hay

“Every thought we think is creating our future” These wise words from Louise L. Hay have transformed numerous lives over the past few decades. One of the pioneers of the self-help movement, Hay built her philosophy of love and affirmative thinking by drawing from her own powerful experiences. Her Story Louise L. Hay did not […]
How a Famous Author Battled Depression

By Chia Xun An First published in Issue 1 2016 of The Rainbow Connection Along with all the professional success Rowling has seen, there is another aspect of her life in which she has seen success, again and again- that of fighting against clinical depression, winning, and telling others it can be done. Author J.K. […]