Youth mental health is an urgent issue that needs our immediate attention.

Suicide rates had doubled among youths aged 10-19. 1 in 4 youths show signs of mental health challenges, an increase from 1 in 6 in 2017. Among people aged 10-24, depression diagnoses increased fourfold between 2013 and 2018.

Let’s change our attitudes & do more to destigmatise mental health. Join Over-The-Rainbow on this movement to make mental wellness a priority.

Our Mission

Transform youth mental wellness for the 21st century.

We envision a world where mental illness is no longer stigmatised, where mental wellness is a life priority, and where every young person has the opportunity to realise their full potential through the journey of self-discovery, healing and transformation.

Leading the Movement in Wellbeing

Community Outreach

Bringing awareness, empowerment and mental wellness benefits to schools, the workplace and the larger community.

OTR Listens

Our safe, anonymous chat platform for emotional support, manned by trained volunteers.

Circle of Connexion

Mental health and self-care self-help group by Over-The-Rainbow volunteers. A safe space to share your thoughts.

Our flagship training program to empower a community of wellbeing champions as role models who take responsibility for own mental wellbeing— and as a wellness guide for others—at home, in the school, in the workplace, or out in the community.

Rainbow Connection

Free annual publication on mental health and well-being, featuring individual anecdotes and expert insights.

Th!nk x Rainbow

Our youth counselling service providing quality psychotherapy and counselling support for youths and families that is timely and affordable.

Meet Avie, our Brand Ambassador!

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